i lost a friend today. no, wait, that's wrong. rather: it was confirmed that i lost a friend today. Daniel Booysen. dubbed 'Hobbit' by the maties rowing community. i hardly knew him, and yet his passing has shaken me to the very foundations of my being. i met him on the 5th, less than 2 weeks ago. he was such an amazing young man, always smiling, always keen for a jol, someone to have fun with. someone i could see as being a good friend in the future. or not, i guess.
it happened on wednesday, as does everything else in stellenbosch. he was taken to kyamandi, the township, with kim, another rowing member. he was stabbed in the neck and left for dead. she remained unharmed. today, i lost hope for my friend. i will miss him.
and yet. his passing has inspired me. inspired me to do something that i have been meaning to do since january 2009. better late than never, right? right. his senseless death has reminded me of just how fleeting and fragile life really is. so why not leave something behind for people to enjoy, even if it is just my mother who searches my google chrome bookmarks.
join me.
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